Thursday, November 29, 2018

Lectures of Swami Vivekananda - correlate with Gayatri

An email I had sent to a discussion group a long time ago.

Lectures of Swami Vivekananda - correlate with Gayatri
Sep 14, 2007
Swami Vivekananda's speeches have always been highly inspiring for me. I have also particularly found them useful in motivating myself in my daily Sadhana. Sometimes I get bored or dejected. At these times, select excerpts from these great lectures have given me great Strength.

I share below a few excerpts from the most motivating speeches by Swami Vivekananda. I strongly suggest other Sadhakas to try reading the Collected Works of Swamiji. This will get us a clear understanding of Hinduism, as well as give us a lot of strength and motivation towards pursuing our Sadhana goals.

Here is an excerpt from the lecture entitled Entitled "Vedantism"

There are two ideas of God in our scriptures - the one, the personal; and the other, the impersonal. The idea of the Personal God is that He is the omnipresent creator, preserver, and destroyer of everything, the eternal Father and Mother of the universe, but One who is eternally separate from us and from all souls; and liberation consists in coming near to Him and living in Him. Then there is the other idea of the Impersonal, where all those adjectives are taken away as superfluous, as illogical and there remains an impersonal, omnipresent Being who cannot be called a knowing being, because knowledge only belongs to the human mind. He cannot be called a thinking being, because that is a process of the weak only. He cannot be called a reasoning being, because reasoning is a sign of weakness. He cannot be called a creating being, because none creates except in bondage. What bondage has He? None works except for the fulfilment of desires; what desires has He? None works except it be to supply some wants; what wants has He? In the Vedas it is not the word "He" that is used, but "It", for "He" would make an invidious distinction, as if God were a man. "It", the impersonal, is used, and this impersonal "It" is preached. This system is called the Advaita.

And what are our relations with this Impersonal Being? - that we are He. We and He are one. Every one is but a manifestation of that Impersonal, the basis of all being, and misery consists in thinking of ourselves as different from this Infinite, Impersonal Being; and liberation consists in knowing our unity with this wonderful Impersonality. These, in short, are the two ideas of God that we find in our scriptures.

Some remarks ought to be made here. It is only through the idea of the Impersonal God that you can have any system of ethics. In every nation the truth has been preached from the most ancient times - love your fellow-beings as yourselves - I mean, love human beings as yourselves. In India it has been preached, "love all beings as yourselves"; we make no distinction between men and animals. But no reason was forthcoming, no one knew why it would be good to love other beings as ourselves. And the reason, why, is there in the idea of the Impersonal God; you understand it when you learn that the whole world is one - the oneness of the universe - the solidarity of all life - that in hurting any one I am hurting myself, in loving any one I am loving myself. Hence we understand why it is that we ought not to hurt others. The reason for ethics, therefore, can only be had from this ideal of the Impersonal God. Then there is the question of the position of the Personal God in it. I understand the wonderful flow of love that comes from the idea of a Personal God, I thoroughly appreciate the power and potency of Bhakti on men to suit the needs of different times. What we now want in our country, however, is not so much of weeping, but a little strength. What a mine of strength is in this Impersonal God, when all superstitions have been thrown overboard, and man stands on his feet with the knowledge - I am the Impersonal Being of the world! What can make me afraid? I care not even for nature's laws. Death is a joke to me. Man stands on the glory of his own soul, the infinite, the eternal, the deathless - that soul which no instruments can pierce, which no air can dry, nor fire burn, no water melt, the infinite, the birthless, the deathless, without beginning and without end, before whose magnitude the suns and moons and all their systems appear like drops in the ocean, before whose glory space melts away into nothingness and time vanishes into non-existence. This glorious soul we must believe in. Out of that will come power. Whatever you think, that you will be. If you think yourselves weak, weak you will be; if you think yourselves strong, strong you will be; if you think yourselves impure, impure you will be; if you think yourselves pure, pure you will be. This teaches us not to think ourselves as weak, but as strong, omnipotent, omniscient. No matter that I have not expressed it yet, it is in me. All knowledge is in me, all power, all purity, and all freedom. Why cannot I express this knowledge? Because I do not believe in it. Let me believe in it, and it must and will come out. This is what the idea of the Impersonal teaches. Make your children strong from their very childhood; teach them not weakness, nor forms, but make them strong; let them stand on their feet - bold, all-conquering, all-suffering; and first of all, let them learn of the glory of the soul. That you get alone in the Vedanta - and there alone. It has ideas of love and worship and other things which we have in other religions, and more besides; but this idea of the soul is the life-giving thought, the most wonderful. There and there alone is the great thought that is going to revolutionist the world and reconcile the knowledge of the material world with religion.

Here is an excerpt from the lecture entitled "The Real Nature of Man"

Some children were being examined. The examiner put them rather hard questions, and among them was this one:
"Why does not the earth fall?" He wanted to evoke answers about gravitation. Most of the children could not answer at all; a few answered that it was gravitation or something. One bright little girl answered it by putting another question: "Where should it fall?" The question is nonsense. Where should the earth fall? There is no falling or rising for the earth.
In infinite space there is no up or down; that is only in the relative. Where is the going or coming for the infinite? Whence should it come and whither should it go? Thus, when people cease to think of the past, or future, when they give up the idea of body, because the body comes and goes and is limited, then they have risen to a higher ideal. The body is not the real man, neither is the mind, for the mind waxes and wanes. It is the Spirit beyond, which alone can live for ever. The body and mind are continually changing, and are, in fact, only names of series of changeful phenomena, like rivers whose waters are in a constant state of flux, yet presenting the appearance of unbroken streams. Every particle in this body is continually changing; no one has the same body for many minutes together, and yet we think of it as the same body. So with the mind; one moment it is happy, another moment unhappy; one moment, strong, another weak;an ever-changing whirlpool. That cannot be the Spirit, which is infinite. Change can only be in the limited. To say that the infinite changes in any way is absurd; it cannot be. You can move and I can move, as limited bodies; every particle in this universe is in a constant state of flux, but taking the universe as a unit, as one whole, it cannot move, it cannot change. Motion is always a relative thing. I move in relation to something else. Any particle in this universe can change in relation to any other particle; but take the whole universe as one, and in relation to what can it move? There is nothing beside it. So this infinite Unit is interchangeable, immoveable, absolute, and this Is the Real Man. Our reality, therefore, consists in the Universal, and not in the limited. These are old delusions, however comfortable they are, to think that we are little limited beings, constantly changing. People are frightened when they are told that they are Universal Being, everywhere present. Through everything you work, through every foot you move, through every lip you talk, through every heart you feel.

Here is an excerpt from the lecture entitled "Reply to the Address of Welcome at Ramnad"

"Learn good knowledge with all devotion from the lowest caste. Learn the way to freedom, even if it comes from a Pariah, by serving him. If a woman is a jewel, take her in marriage even if she comes from a low family of the lowest caste." Such is the law laid down by our great and peerless legislator, the divine Manu. This is true. Stand on your own feet, and assimilate what you can; learn from every nation, take what is of use to you. But remember that as Hindus everything else must be subordinated to our own national ideals. Each man has a mission in life, which is the result of all his infinite past Karma. Each of you was born with a splendid heritage, which is the whole of the infinite past life of your glorious nation. Millions of your ancestors are watching, as it were, every action of yours, so be alert. And what is the mission with which every Hindu child is born? Have you not read the proud declaration of Manu regarding the Brahmin where he says that the birth of the Brahmin is "for the protection of the treasury of religion"? I should say that that is the mission not only of the Brahmin, but of every child, whether boy or girl, who is born in this blessed land "for the protection of the treasury of religion". And every other problem in life must be subordinated to that one principal theme. That is also the law of harmony in music. There may be a nation whose theme of life is political supremacy; religion and everything else must become subordinate to that one great theme of its life. But here is another nation whose great theme of life is spirituality and renunciation, whose one watchword is that this world is all vanity and a delusion of three days, and everything else, whether science or knowledge, enjoyment or powers, wealth, name, or fame, must be subordinated to that one theme. The secret of a true Hindu's character lies in the subordination of his knowledge of European sciences and learning, of his wealth, position, and name, to that one principal theme which is inborn in every Hindu child - the spirituality and purity of the race. Therefore between these two, the case of the orthodox man who has the whole of that life-spring of the race, spirituality, and the other man whose hands are full of Western imitation jewels but has no hold on the life-giving principle, spirituality - of these, I do not doubt that every one here will agree that we should choose the first, the orthodox, because there is some hope in him - he has the national theme, something to hold to; so he will live, but the other will die. Just as in the case of individuals, if the principle of life is undisturbed, if the principal function of that individual life is present, any injuries received as regards other functions are not serious, do not kill the individual, so, as long as this principal function of our life is not disturbed, nothing can destroy our nation. But mark you, if you give up that spirituality, leaving it aside to go after the materialising civilisation of the West, the result will be that in three generations you will be an extinct race; because the backbone of the nation will be broken, the foundation upon which the national edifice has been built will be undermined, and the result will be annihilation all round.

Here is an excerpt from the lecture entitled "Reply to Address of Welcome at Calcutta"

Those of you who have studied that most beautiful ail the Upanishads, the Katha, will remember how the king was going to make a great sacrifice, and, instead of giving away things that were of any worth, he was giving away cows and horses that were not of any use, and the book says that at that time Shraddhâ entered into the heart of his son Nachiketâ. I would not translate this word Shraddha to you, it would be a mistake; it is a wonderful word to understand, and much depends on it; we will see how it works, for immediately we find Nachiketa telling himself, "I am superior to many, I am inferior to few, but nowhere am I the last, I can also do something." And this boldness increased, and the boy wanted to solve the problem which was in his mind, the problem of death. The solution could only be got by going to the house of Death, and the boy went. There he was, brave Nachiketa waiting at the house of Death for three days, and you know how he obtained what he desired. What we want, is this Shraddha. Unfortunately, it has nearly vanished from India, and this is why we are in our present state. What makes the difference between man and man is the difference in this Shraddha and nothing else. What make one man great and another weak and low is this Shraddha. My Master used to say, he who thinks himself weak will become weak, and that is true. This Shraddha must enter into you. Whatever of material power you see manifested by the Western races is the outcome of this Shraddha, because they believe in their muscles and if you believe in your spirit, how much more will it work! Believe in that infinite soul, the infinite power, which, with consensus of opinion, your books and sages preach. That Atman which nothing can destroy, in It is infinite power only waiting to be called out. For here is the great difference between all other philosophies and the Indian philosophy. Whether dualistic, qualified monistic, or monistic, they all firmly believe that everything is in the soul itself; it has only to come out and manifest itself. Therefore, this Shraddha is what I want, and what all of us here want, this faith in ourselves, and before you is the great task to get that faith. Give up the awful disease that is creeping into our national blood, that idea of ridiculing everything, that loss of seriousness. Give that up. Be strong and have this Shraddha, and everything else is bound to follow.

Here is an except from the lecture entitled "The Common Bases of Hinduism"

This is one great point to understand, and, my friends, my brethren, let me tell you, this is the one point we shall have to insist upon in the future. For I am firmly convinced, and I beg you to understand this one fact - no good comes out of the man who day and night thinks he is nobody. If a man, day and night, thinks he is miserable, low, and nothing, nothing he becomes. If you say yea, yea, "I am, I am", so shall you be; and if you say "I am not", think that you are not, and day and night meditate upon the fact that you are nothing, ay, nothing shall you be. That is the great fact which you ought to remember. We are the children of the Almighty, we are sparks of the infinite, divine fire. How can we be nothings? We are everything, ready to do everything, we can do everything, and man must do everything. This faith in themselves was in the hearts of our ancestors, this faith in themselves was the motive power that pushed them forward and forward in the march of civilisation; and if there has been degeneration, if there has been defect, mark my words, you will find that degradation to have started on the day our people lost this faith in themselves. Losing faith in one's self means losing faith in God. Do you believe in that infinite, good Providence working in and through you? If you believe that this Omnipresent One, the Antaryâmin, is present in every atom, is through and through, Ota-prota, as the Sanskrit word goes, penetrating your body, mind and soul, how can you lose, heart? I may be a little bubble of water, and you may be a mountain-high wave. Never mind! The infinite ocean is the background of me as well as of you. Mine also is that infinite ocean of life, of power, of spirituality, as well as yours. I am already joined - from my very birth, from the very fact of my life - I am in Yoga with that infinite life and infinite goodness and infinite power, as you are, mountain-high though you may be. Therefore, my brethren, teach this life-saving, great, ennobling, grand doctrine to your children, even from their very birth. You need not teach them Advaitism; teach them Dvaitism, or any "ism" you please, but we have seen that this is the common "ism" all through India; this marvellous doctrine of the soul, the perfection of the soul, is commonly believed in by all sects. As says our great philosopher Kapila, if purity has not been the nature of the soul, it can never attain purity afterwards, for anything that was not perfect by nature, even if it attained to perfection, that perfection would go away again. If impurity is the nature of man, then man will have to remain impure, even though he may be pure for five minutes. The time will come when this purity will wash out, pass away, and the old natural impurity will have its sway once more. Therefore, say all our philosophers, good is our nature, perfection is our nature, not imperfection, not impurity - and we should remember that. Remember the beautiful example of the great sage who, when he was dying, asked his mind to remember all his mighty deeds and all his mighty thoughts. There you do not find that he was teaching his mind to remember all his weaknesses and all his follies. Follies there are, weakness there must be, but remember your real nature always - that is the only way to cure the weakness, that is the only way to cure the follies.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

How to overcome obstacles in Spiritual Sadhana - What worked for me

A message that I shared with the Gayatri Mantra Yahoo group long time back. Jotting it here, might be interesting, for future reference.  

While chanting Gayatri mantra, oftentimes I used to find myself

1) unable to focus on the spirit(meaning) of the mantra, as the mind was wandering hither and thither
2) unable to consistently do my spiritual activities due to various daily life hindrances
3) my chronic breathing problems interfered with my concentration

While experimenting with various ways on overcoming the above obstacles I found the below remedies helpful. Hence thought of sharing the same.

1) Prayers to Lord Ganesha (the God of obstacles) even a few minutes daily, asking him to help me overcome all kinds of obstacles in my spiritual practice, helped. But it has to be regular. Hence I've made it integral to my daily Sandhya worship. In fact, we do chant 'Shuklambaradharam...' which is a prayer to Ganesha only. While chanting the sloka we can pray to HIM to remove all kinds of obstacles and make us disciplined practitioners.

2) Hanuman Chalisa - I have found that chanting this stotra gives me energy and drive to pursue intense spiritual activities. It's a truly powerful prayer. Sri Rama is the embodiment of Dharma and a worshipper of the Sun too. Hence I have found that prayers to Hanuman through hanuman chalisa asking him to give me strength, intelligence, knowledge (and avoidance of mistakes) and motivation towards overcoming all obstacles in my daily spiritual practice helped.

3) Chanting Aditya Hridayam stotra immediately after the Gayatri mantra chant has helped me overcome my breathing issues. It has also given me a lot of energy, vitality and drive.

May the blessings of divine mother Gayatri shine on us!


Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Story of the Prince who grew up in the house of a Hunter (as told by Sankaracharya in his Bhashya to Brihadaranyaka Upanishad)

I had used this story in the introduction to my book.

Once a prince got separated from his parents at the time of his birth, and was left in a forest. A hunter noticed him and brought him up. Not knowing his birth in a royal family, and thinking that he belonged to the hunter tribe, the prince used to perform the duties of the hunter tribe. Ignorant of the truth *I am a king* he did not perform the duties of a King. Once, he happened to meet a most compassionate and wise person, who recognised that he was of princely birth, by the characteristic marks of royalty in his body (Samudrika sastra), and informed him of his royal ancestry. He told the prince "You are not a hunter. You are the son of some King. But due to some reason or the other you just happened to reside in this house of a hunter". In this way, he made the prince realise the truth. Realising his true nature, the Prince gave up his acquired habits of a hunter tribe, and following the instructions of his Guru, regained his kingdom and started performing his duties as per his natural inheritance. In the same way, this soul which has separated from the Paramatma, like sparks are seen separated from the fire, having entered this deep dense forest comprising of the body, indriyas etc thinks "I am a combination of this body and indriyas. I am lean. I am obese. I am happy. I am sad" without remembering his true nature of identity with the Paramatma. When a learned Acharya makes him realise thus "I am not a combination of body etc. I am the Supreme Brahman uncontaminated by these things", he discards the three fundamental desires, and starts meditating "Aham Brahmasmi" "I am Brahman". Just as, even during his life as a hunter, the prince never truly loses the royal marks upon his body, should one understand the statement "You have come out of your state of union with Parabrahman, like sparks come out of the fire" since it is seen that the spark, before arising out of the fire, was one with fire.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Didn't Poonthanam know how to recite the Vishnu Sahasranamam correctly? (Or Melpathur Vs Poonthanam)

Came across the below message in a discussion forum (My Comments At the End)

This story happened in 1586 AD. The venue was GuruvayoorTemple. It was enacted two of the greatest poets of the yore; Poonthanam and Melpathur. The former wrote Jnanappana (Song of Wisdom) in simple Malayalam. Jnanappana is also called as the Gita of Malayalees. Narayana Bhattathirippad was the author of the Sanskrit work, Narayaneeyam in the form of a poetical hymn, consisting of 1034 slokas. It, in fact is a summarized version of Bhagavata Purana of 14000 slokas.

The following is the extract taken from the Guruvayoor Devaswom official site ( ) that presents this story beautifully. It goes like this:

“Though Poonthanam and Melpathur were great devotees of Lord Guruvayurappan, Poonthanam, a great poet, who wrote his verses in the vernacular, was famous for his bhakthi where as Melpathur, an erudite scholar and great poet in Sanskrit was known for his vibhakthi.

The Lord was partial towards Poonthanam than Melpathur. Melpathur used to laugh at Poonthanam's Sanskrit reading and recitation. One day Poonthanam was wrongly reciting "Padmanabho Maraprabhu", which means Lord of trees in Malayalam. Melpathur openly laughed at Poonthanam and corrected saying, Padmanabha is not Maraprabhu (Lord of trees) but Amaraprabhu (which means Lord of immortals in Sanskrit). Immediately, there was an asareeri (celestial voice) from the inner shrine, "I am also Maraprabhu" (Lord of trees).

Now there is a statue of "Maraprabhu" in the Sreevalsam Guest house compound fully made of clay. This is the biggest idol made of clay in Asia.”

There is another version to the above.
“The Jnanapana (means the song of wisdom) written in simple Malayalam is Poonthanam 's greatest work. Melpathur was the most knowledgeable and learned man of that time. Poonthanam showed the draft of his Jnanapana to Melpathur. Malayalam was not accepted in the learned circle those days and Melpathur had contempt for Malayalam, which was not considered equal to Sanskrit. He refused to see Poonthanam's work and told him blatantly to learn Sanskrit and then start writing. This act of Melpathur hurt Poonthanam. Melpathur was composing Narayaneeyam in those days and when he came next day to offer d andasaka of ten slokas (ten stanzas) before the Lord, he could not utter a single word. A small boy in his teens, never seen before presented himself and pointed out mistakes after mistakes in the slokas composed by Melpathur. After ten mistakes in ten slokas Melpathur realised the divinity of the boy. He felt at the feet of the boy but the boy disappeared and there was an asareeri (celestial voice) saying, "Poonthanam's Bhakthi (devotion) is more pleasing to me than Melpathur's Vibhakthi (learning or knowledge in Sanskrit grammar)". Melpathur realised his mistake and asked Poonthanam to pardon him and amended his arrogance by reading the works of Poonthanam”.

My Comments:

Though an interesting story in a way, I seriously doubt it's veracity. Melpathur was well known for his Bhakti as well as Vibhakti. (Narayaneeyam and Sreepada Saptati are just two well known examples). He of course wrote many Vyakarana works like "Prakriya Sarvaswom" but even that work is pervaded by humility and broad mindedness.

Here I give just one sloka from Narayaneeyam..(which is a bhakti intensive work, written at the young age of 27) which should contradict any such allegation of "superiority in Vibhakti" in the mind of Melpathur

Chitthardhri Bhavamucchair Vapushi Cha Pulakam Harsha Bashpam Cha Hithva
Chiththam Shuddhyeth Kadham Va ? Kimu Bahuthapasa Vidhyaya VeethaBhakthey
Thvad Gadhaaswadha – Siddhanjana Sathathamari – Mrujyamanoyam Athma
Chakshurvath Thathvasookshmam Bhajathi Na Thu Thadhaabhyasthayaa Tharkka Kotyaa

How can the mind be purified without the bhakti which causes the melting of the mind, Thrill of the body, and tears of joy?
What benefit can a person without devotion acquire merely by doing penance or by becoming a scholar?
If one keeps on cleansing his mind with the divine collyrium of enjoyment got out of knowing your divine stories, then such a soul can clearly see the inner truth,
And this inner truth cannot be attained by any amount of knowledge in Shastras. 95.6

So, most likely, that anecdote was the creation of some insignificant person who might have been reprimanded after incorrectly reciting of Vishnu Sahasranama, and who then concocted the story and passed it onto Poonthanam (a great Sanskrit scholar in his own way, not likely to make such mistakes in Sandhi) and Melpathur.