Tuesday, October 2, 2018

My first book

My first book will be published soon! Even in my dreams, I had never thought I will be an author....Who? Me? No chance!

But it's going to happen in a few weeks' time, anyhow.

Though it's a small book - I did include in it three of the most touching ideas that I encountered in my studies!

1) The concept of व्युत्थान in the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad
एतद्ध स्म वै तत्पूर्वे विद्वाꣳसः प्रजां न कामयन्ते
किं प्रजया करिष्यामो येषां नोऽयमात्माऽयं लोक इति ।
ते ह स्म पुत्रैषणायाश्च वित्तैषणायाश्च लोकैषणायाश्च व्युत्थायाथ भिक्षाचर्यं चरन्ति
या ह्येव पुत्रैषणा सा वित्तैषणा या वित्तैषणा सा लोकैषणोभे ह्येते एषणे एव भवतः।

2) The example of the prince who lived as a hunter, as told by Sankaracharya, in his Briharanyaka Upanishad Bhashyam.
3) The 'Gaatha' of king Janaka, the ruler of Mithila. "Mithilaayaam pradiptaayaam na me dahyati kinchana".

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