Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Pt Dakshinamoorthi on the greatness of GM and VSN

Pasting here an email from Pt Dakshinamoorthi (a great astrologer) sent in reply to my query on Gayatri and VSN. Panditji is a great follower of Sanatana Dharma, who uses his vast knowledge of astrology to help others. His blog is

----- Original message -----
From: "dakshinastrologer"

Dear Hari,

Gayathri is hailed as "Mother of mantras". Infact, any sadhana is to be undertaken ONLY after initiation into Gayathri. Traditionally, only twice borns were initiated into 24-Akshari Gayathri. Others used to be initiated into tantrik Gayathri. In any case, upasana of Gayathri is a prerequisite for success in sadhanas. Gayathri upasana blesses an individual with good intuition, high thinking and perfect mental poise that helps the individual to accomplish any task successfully. There are beeja mantras on Gayathri that can be chanted by anyone. These cannot be given in a public forum. It has to be given ONLY by diksha method. Very few pandits will really know it. But, if you are destined to receive the initiation, you will definitely get it! Till then, worshipping Gayathri matha by simple mantra "Om Namo Gayathriyai Veda mathre namaha" will be auspicious.

Vishnu Sahasranama is a panacea for all troubles- be it mental, spiritual, or material. It can be chanted by EVERYONE irrespective of caste, creed, or gender.

Chanting these two powerful hymns with devotion should be more than enough for most purposes. These hymns will attract Divine Grace to you and you will get appropriate guidance in life. If any other remedy is really required after practising these mantras, by Divine Grace, someone or the other will suggest the remedies to you out of their own volition!

Blessed be.

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